Selected Climate News Articles
Updated 3/8/2021
Offshore Wind Power: Poised (finally) to Take Off on the East Coast?, from The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
From InvestigateWest (INVW), Visualizing Climate-Vulnerable Communities
Terra Carta, For Nature, People & Planet
From Our World in Data, Why did renewables become so cheap so fast?
United Nations Environment Program, Emissions Gap Report 2020
From SciAm, On Climate, Biden Must Do More than Undo Trump's Damage
Good News from Australia, from the Climate Council
NYT article, Belching Cows and Endless Feedlots
SciAm's October 14, 2020 Earth and Environment weekly
It’s not magic: Scientists are trying to reflect outer space to cool the Earth, from the Wash Post.
From Richard Heinberg of the Post Carbon Institute, What If Preventing Collapse Isn't Profitable?
A New Gold Standard for Green Architecture, from the Wash Post
CCL News
Updated 1/15/2021
New Study: Carbon Fee and Dividend much better for households, economy than regulations
Citizens' Climate Radio Ep 54: Football, justice and talking trash
Citizens' Climate Radio Ep. 53: Lessons from a Flood
CCL receives 2020 Keeling Curve Prize
Racism, climate & working together
Citizens’ Climate Radio Ep. 49: Unleashing our imagination
CCL report on conference, 4,685 grassroots climate advocates join virtual climate conference and lobby effort
CCL applauds senators on bipartisan bill
From National CCL site, "Are you a white CCL volunteer? Let's talk."
Tacoma Chapter News
Updated 3/8/2021
Next chapter meeting, via Zoom, is on Wednesday, March 24 at 6:30pm. Sign up on our Home page for the Zoom instructions.
The next meeting of the book discussion group is April 7 at noon. We are reading a number of climate-related articles. Contact us to learn more.
Tacoma Chapter Member Activities
Updated 1/15/2021
Media: CCL Tacoma's John Doherty’s Climate Talk on KTAH 101.9 at 10:00AM and 10:00PM or on your own time. John has also added Climate Minute talks – 60 seconds on a climate topic.
Facebook: Take a look, like and love, or find out how to add content and be an administrator. Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/ccltacoma
Members' Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor of The News Tribune
Updated 2/3/2021
Climate: US can't afford to wait this out.
Climate: Biden Team Has Much Damage to Undo
Climate change: This solution is ready to try now
Biden: On clean energy, he offers some hope
Climate change: We can't let ourselves be distracted
Climate: Will we revert to Pre-Covid damage?
Disasters: Covid-19 now, climate change next
Four Messages Coronavirus is Delivering on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
Economy: Clean Energy can help us recover
Climate: Old thinkers ought to listen to the young
Fuel standards: Pierce leaders got it wrong
Schools: Teachers right to engage in climate talk