Our Teams: Helping to create the political will for a livable world
The CCL Tacoma Chapter has multiple teams that work closely together to engage with different stakeholders in the community and help CCL achieve our goal of passing climate legislation.
Our current teams:
Get to know our teams
Welcome new members and develop and maintain active memberships.
Welcome new members who joined through the CCL website, at presentations/tabling events, or through word of mouth by phone calls and/or emails
Maintain an online roster of members
Offer training to new members by introducing them to the various online resources and the chapter teams
Growing membership weekly in the Tacoma area with members now totaling nearly 600, 80 of whom represent Vashon Island
Help us welcome new members and grow our chapter.
Create public awareness of the unfolding climate crisis and the ramifications thereof. Furthermore, we attempt to show that a Carbon Fee and Dividend is one of the most powerful means of addressing climate change. A companion goal of our activities is to recruit new members for Citizens' Climate Lobby.
​Reach out to the public with tabling at community events, expos and festivals
Make presentations for educational institutions, service clubs, retirement communities and Earth Day events
​Spoke directly with hundreds of Pierce County residents through presentations and tabling events
Added several hundred new members to the Tacoma CCL member list
Offer a weekly Climate Talk radio program at local FM station
For newcomers, tabling is a great way to get started with community outreach. There are several folks in the team highly experienced in doing presentations who can mentor anyone interested in getting up in front of groups to talk about climate.
Promote the Carbon Fee and Dividend Bill that puts a price on carbon pollution/greenhouse gas emissions and returns all funds collected to the American people. This includes educating individuals on the bill in Congress, commonly known as the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. In order to create the political will for this legislation, we recruit new members to join CCL and encourage them to write letters to their members of Congress.
Identify and attend events as representatives of CCL and our local chapter
Plan and staff tabling events
Offer handouts and interacting with interested individuals in 2- to 3-hour shifts
Brainstorm creative ways to engage the public, including children's activities when it is a family event
Represented CCL and our local chapter at events such as the South Sound Sustainability Expo, Tacoma Ocean Fest and the Ethnic Fest at Wright Park
Signed up multiple new CCL members and collected many letters to deliver to our representatives
Raised our credibility in congressional offices with growing membership and letters from constituents and helped relay growing public concern about climate change to members of congress
Interact with the public at large as well as members of congress, local politicians, tribal members and union representatives
If you love interacting with individuals - listening to their concerns about climate change and helping to answer their questions - this would be a great team for you.
Create the political will to encourage our national legislators, both representatives and senators, to take action by supporting and helping to pass the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA) or similar legislation.
Meet with grasstops leaders such as city and county council members, mayors, port commissioners, and the Chamber of Commerce
Provide leaders with information on who we are, what the EICDA is, and why this legislation is a powerful tool to tackle greenhouse gas emissions on the national level
Include information on the economical and health benefits for families and the community
Express our appreciation of leaders for their efforts, convey our willingness to work with them on climate policy, and ask for an endorsement of CCL
Met with city council members individually and provided information about CCL, our CCL chapter and the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA)
Presented Mayor Woodards of Tacoma with Climate of Hope, a book by Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope
Invited council member Ryan Mello to present to our CCL chapter meeting on the city’s updating of its Legislative Agenda with regards to climate change measures
Testified at city council in favor of the Legislative Agenda and in favor of 1631, a state-wide carbon pricing bill
Met with Representative Kilmer often to discuss climate change legislation and wrote to thank him for his climate work
Met with staff members of Senators Murray and Cantwell, asking about their support for EICDA in the senate and climate legislation
Provided information based on our research to city council members to further inform them of the benefits of EICDA, which was later endorsed by Mayor Woodards and Council Member Beal
This team has limitless opportunities to work with grasstops leaders to act locally and support national action. We are always looking for people to help target more leaders and policy-setting organizations in our area.
Inform our members and interested individuals of our activities to help motivate them to get involved. The newsletter also serves as a resource that can be shared among individuals interested in learning more about our chapter.
Gather information on recent activities, current events and legislative action on climate change
Create a document in newsletter format and share it with members via email
Keep members informed on a monthly basis
We are looking for more writers and innovators to make the newsletter a living document. There is plenty of room for creativity and we would love to welcome you to our team.
Pierce County Outreach
Determine the climate stances of candidates for the Pierce County Council (PCC) District 6 Council Member position and inform voters on the climate issues, to help them to make educated decisions when voting.
Keep voters informed on climate change issues under consideration and resulting decisions by the PCC District 6
Encourage voter registration
Conduct monthly meetings intended to educate ourselves on how best we might accomplish our goals
Met with a District 6 Council Member candidate to determine their background and position on climate change issues
Offered CCL as a resource to District 6 voters, helping to educate them on the climate climate issues that the PCC will deal with going forward (such as the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency’s Clean Fuel Standard)
We would love to have more energetic members who reside in District 6 (this includes Steilacoom, parts of Lakewood, JBLM, DuPont, and a small slice of Parkland and Spanaway just east of JBLM).
Letters to the Editor
Encourage members to write letters and op-eds to newspaper editors and posting on blogs, and social media as well as appearances on radio shows.
Write articles on climate change to various organizations, civic clubs, and non-profit newsletters
Serve as a peer-editing advisory contact for content and style when needed
Work with local radio and television to communicate the goals of CCL in its effort to mitigate climate change
Submitted letters by five chapter members to the editor of The News Tribune
Published a member's op-ed piece in the newspaper for the Earth Day celebration in April, 2020
If you like writing and want to have an impact through media - this would be a great team for you!
Social Media
Increase the political will for meaningful action on climate change by sharing stories and messages about the need for action and solutions people are taking, particularly as they relate to placing a price on carbon at the federal level.
Support an active Facebook page
Post photos and stories of activities of the Tacoma CCL Chapter, including letters to the editor (examples: tabling at Fircrest's National Night Out, one of our Climate Cafes for Students, and a monthly Chapter update)
Post appropriate materials about climate and solutions (example about CCL's series on why people act on climate)
Create materials to post, such as videos of our activities (example: video we made from John Doherty's first Climate Talk)
Encourage use of the site, for example, by responding to comments and questions posted by others (example)
Promoted popular upcoming events held by CCL Tacoma and other local and national groups (example)
Posted important breaking news related to putting a price on carbon, such as endorsements by Representatives Derek Kilmer and Denny Heck of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
Presented good news about actions to solve the climate crisis, such as the Tacoma City Council passing a Climate Emergency Resolution and Native Renewables providing solar power to 15,000 families in the Navajo Nation
We'd love to have you join our team and make our Facebook presence broader. We are available to help you get involved at your own pace and getting involved in this team is an easy way to be active, even if you can't attend meetings! Even small amounts of time are helpful. Prefer other platforms for engaging socially on-line? Great! Help us expand into new areas!
EnRoads Workshops
Engage all audiences in problem solving our way to successfully tackling climate change. In the process we hope to leave people with hope and belief that collectively we can do this and meet our needs for an equitable and livable world.
Present workshops to groups and to individuals sharing the climate solutions simulation tool En-ROADS produced by MIT Sloan and Climate Interactive
Create scenarios that will limit global warming to between 1.5 to 2 Degrees Celsius
Trained two members through a series of webinars by Climate Interactive to become Climate Ambassadors and to use the tool and run workshops
Held one large workshop so far and several individual workshops.
Anyone interested in learning a new tool and want to help our effort to engage audiences in problem solving our way to successfully tackling climate change is welcome to join the team!
Provide a platform to interested individuals and existing members with information about our chapter and its activities to protect the environment.
Create content through research and interaction with chapter members
Offer easy access to interested individuals to contact our chapter and become members
Work daily to expand the content and improve the design
​Started in February 2020 and went live in April
There is still a lot to do and there are limitless opportunities to expand the website. We would love your support
Fircrest Outreach
Influence the City of Fircrest to take appropriate action while actively growing the CCL Fircrest membership community and involving current CCL Fircrest members.
Attend City Council meetings
Establish relationships with City Council Members
Meet with the mayor and council members to secure endorsements for climate legislation and effect climate action in the City
Attend various study sessions and other meetings concerned with Comprehensive Plan and related topics
Council members have endorsed carbon pricing and dividend legislation
Lobbied 3 mayors, several council members and two candidates for Fircrest City Council
Established a good relationship with the City Council
Created an informal liaison between the City Council and CCL that has led to increased movement towards more environmental action
Tabled at four National Night Outs
Added several active Fircrest residents
Any CCL member, especially Fircrest residents, is welcome to join and support this activity.
Study Group
To provide a space for members to discuss books, articles, documentaries, and other media, in order to deepen our understanding of the critical issues of the day and to support one another intellectually and emotionally.
Meet monthly to discuss agreed-upon material
Provide links to study group articles in the website
Find new material for the next meeting
Share recommendations and opinions about recent publications
Established a dedicated group of readers for the material.
Established a friendly, respectful space for the open communication of thoughts and opinions.
Established a supportive group to help provide a philosophical basis for our climate action endeavors
Join us!
Become involved - Join CCL now!
Changing the world is in your hands and becoming a member of the CCL is a step towards taking ownership of this power. Once you join CCL you will be directed to the Tacoma chapter or the chapter in your area.