Thanks to Linda for organizing and leading the meeting today, much appreciated!
I'm not going to have the best ideas for which materials we should use for handouts and displays, but maybe I can share a way to help decide. Thinking this through, how do we choose what materials? They need to be a combination of:
- What grabs people's attention (this might not be the same from event to event, not sure how difficult it would be to change the display. Maybe with the 8 1/2 x 11's, not so difficult?). Visual is good, and what is meaningful to the person. For example, if they get stuck in traffic all the time, they'll be more likely to support public transportation. Or if they are very focused on family health, the switch away from natural gas might be more appealing. And then...
-Make the biggest impact on climate change. If we're trying to decide between 2 visuals that seem equally appealing, will one make a bigger difference? For example, planting trees or electrifying?
I feel like asking those 2 questions of each choice of the visuals might help narrow them down to the best ones.
Hope that makes sense,