Our 2021 Goals
Draw in new members and get current members to be more active:
Volunteers to make personal calls to new and current members
Encourage sign-up for monthly calling campaign to Congress
Promote monthly calling campaign to Congress in John's radio talks and on the website
Organize happy hours for the group outside of monthly meetings
Reach out to local youth (middle & high school) or other youth groups. (Erin Rasmussen with Sunrise is one of our contacts)
Reach out to military: En-ROADS presentation at McChord
Continue thinking/outreach efforts to labor groups
Promote Earth Day Art contest to selected middle schools
Focus on new Rep. Strickland (former Mayor of Tacoma, replaces Denny Heck)
Keep up on state legislation and have input when important
Continue following and lobbying Pierce County Council and Tacoma City Council
Make more En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator presentations in the community and with business groups to build political will
Hold practice or training sessions for tablers to help them know about current legislation
Other ideas/Topics
Green buildings
Endorsements: work on businesses & local politicians
Economic arguments, such as divestment and ending fossil fuel subsidies. Do these relate to us? Can we support others in doing this type of work?
Agriculture/Regenerative Ag/Forestry: keep up on this and potentially reach out to rural areas and groups
Your Input
What would you like to work on that’s not on the list?
Our 2020 Accomplishments (in spite of COVID)
Held monthly meetings via Zoom
Issued monthly newsletters
Wrote numerous letters to the Editor and Op-Eds (see our News page)
Continued our lobbying efforts with
Senators Cantwell, Murray
Congressmembers Kilmer, Heck
Attending the virtual Ocean Fest event with tabling and videos in September
Continued with John's Radio programs -- Climate Talk and Climate Minutes (see our Climate Talk page)
Continued coalition building – a new group was formed, Climate Pierce County
Made En-ROADS presentations and outreach efforts
Started a monthly member's Book Group (Join us!)
Ran Children’s virtual climate programs
Held Pierce County Council Candidate forums
Participated in the Tacoma Solidarity event in December
Developed and maintained a new website
Maintained our Facebook page (Visit us!)
Developed a training presentation, Introduction to CCL and our local Tacoma chapter, for new and prospective members (see our Intro to CCL page)