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Our State Legislators Need Your Input on Climate Bills!




The 2023 Washington State legislative session has opened.  Here's our opportunity to support the most effective bills addressing the climate crisis. It has been remarked by elected officials that communications from even a few of their constituents can make a big impact on their decision-making.  So let’s send them a loud message-- " ACT NOW ON CLIMATE!"


Worthy bills to keep on your radar:

  • WRAP Act (WA Recycling and Packaging) (1131, 5954)

  • Adding climate protections to the Growth Management Act (1181, 5203)

  • Creating a Climate Corps (1176, 5247)

  • Protecting Southern Resident orcas from vessels (1145, 5371)

  • Concerning electric power system transmission planning (1192, 5165)

  • Requiring and funding the purchase of zero emission school buses (1368, 5431)

  • SB 5104:  Relating to Surveying Puget Sound Marine Shoreline Habitat-- this data will help in efforts to recover salmon and orcas now listed as threatened and endangered.


Commenting on bills:

It's easy! Just link up with one or more of the organizations listed below.  They find and assess bills, monitor their progress, and facilitate community input. There should be a button to click to tell them you want to be notified about taking action.  When they send you alerts about bills coming up for public testimony, just follow their shortcut to “send your message” or “vote pro.”



Want to do more?  

Send your own letters or emails directly to your elected officials about specific bills and issues.  You can identify your district’s state representatives and senator. Find through

Attend webinars about bills, and/or lobby meetings with legislators or their staff.  WCA, LWV and some of the other organizations listed above allow you to register for those very easily on their websites. 


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